My daughter, Eden, and my granddaughter, Saffron, came for a visit this week. It seemed over before it hardly began! Above is a photo of 4 generations: from top to bottom, my mom, me, Eden and Saffy. Below are more photos of my darlings: Eden and Saffy. Can you tell I'm a proud mom and Nana? I'm so grateful my folks are still with me, as well as being healthy and living independently. They adore my darlings, too, as you can see from the photos below. We had lots of fun in the pool, too. For a 4-year-old, Saffy is quite the little mermaid! Here I am with Saffy after our swim. It was amazing to watch Saffy's "ah ha" moment, when she understood the connection between her mommy and me. We were sitting at the dinner table and she pointed to her mom, then to me and said, "You're my mama and she's your mama!" I responded saying, " That's right and Gramma Bobbie is my mommy!" The look of recognition on her face was priceless!!! And the best story of the trip was another "ah ha" moment for Saffron. They had stopped for a visit to see my in-laws, Eden's father and other family in San Antonio, TX before coming to Nashville. While Saffy and I were having a private chat shortly before they left, I told her that her Grampa Daddy (that's what she calls Eden's father) and Nana (that's what she calls me) were married. She wiggled up her nose in disgust and asked me, "Did you kiss?" I said that we did and she stuck her tongue out. Then I said, "And we had a baby we named Eden." When Saffy heard that, she threw her head down onto the floor in total dismay and hollered, "O.M.G." I lost it and fell out laughing!
Do you have any cute stories about your children or grandchildren? If so, please share!
Contact UsAuthorWelcome! I'm Stephanie (Jo to close friends), founder of EdenSong. Aside from my university studies, I have a natural passion for all things organic. I enjoy living and learning about natural ways, all things health related, cooking, gardening with herbs and flowers, photography, DIYing, yoga, bicycling, ballet, traveling and being with family and friends. A quirk of mine is my near obsession of Asian culture, particularly Korean history and its language. Would you like to know more? Find out about us. Categories
December 2014
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